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Powerful Mobile & Tablet Loyalty

A complete solution including deals and text message marketing.

QR Punches

More than just a loyalty app

Mobile Punch Card

Mobile Punch Card

Turn those paper punch cards into custom mobile punch cards that customers can keep on them at all times.

Tablet Loyalty

For those businesses that have a counter register, the tablet loyalty is a in your face solution to reward customers for their loyalty.

Custom Branded

Custom Branded

The mobile and tablet app are completely customized and branded with the businesses logo.

Mobile Rewards

Mobile Rewards

Customers are able to receive rewards texted to them 24/7 right through the Businesses app.

Social Rewards

Social Rewards

Business's can increase exposure by letting customers promote their deals for them on their social media profiles.

Grow Subscribers

Grow Subscribers

Grow your subscriber text list to continually promote your business to customers at any time.